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Term Life Insurance

Insuring our loved ones is not something to be taken lightly however many whose family members rely upon them financially don’t have any or enough life insurance. If you were to pass away, would your loved ones be able to maintain their current standard of living?According to The Insurance Information Institute, 30% of Americans have no life insurance coverage.

The emotional stress of losing a spouse is difficult enough, there is no need to add unnecessary financial stress to the grieving process. Term life insurance allows individuals a low cost way to select the number of years your insurance will last (typically 10,15, 20, 25 or 30 years) as well as the amount of the death benefit to your family should you pass away. In most cases life insurance death benefits are paid out tax-free and can be used to generate income, pay-off debt, fund college and more.

There are several rules of thumb used to determine life insurance needs such as 10 times your annual income however we suggest a more detailed life insurance needs calculator that factors in inflation, number of dependents, years income for spouse is needed, all outstanding debts, burial costs and more.

If you know you need life insurance don’t procrastinate as the cost of life insurance increases as you age and when new health challenges are discovered. Contact us for a no obligation complimentary quotes from several A rated insurance carriers.


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