Trusted Arizona Financial Advisor: (480) 305-2038 Client Center


Let’s Compare Costs

With The Lifetime Wealth Process™, you will receive our full services that includes financial planning and investment management. With The Digital Advisor Program, you will receive our investment management services.

If you’re retired or close to retiring, we’d love to connect with you and answer any questions you may have.

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Cost Comparison of Our Services

The Digital Advisor Program

The Lifetime Wealth Process

(Plan + Invest)
Management Fee 0.50% = First $1,500,000
0% = Over $1,500,000
1.50% = First $500,000
0.75% = Next $500,000
0.50% = Over $1,000,000
Minimum Balance $200,000 $500,000
Meetings with Fiduciary **Unlimited calls & emails *in-person or zoom, unlimited calls & emails
Satisfaction Guarantee Yes Yes
Trading Costs ***None ***None
Private Real Estate No Yes
Mutual Funds No Yes
ETFs Yes Yes
Fiduciary Oversight Yes Yes
Tax Loss Harvesting Yes Yes
Proactive Management Yes Yes
Personal Financial Dashboard Yes Yes
Schwab Support 24/7 Yes Not Applicable
Financial Planning ****No Yes
On Track Scoreboard ****No Yes
Retirement Planning ****No Yes
Insurance Planning ****No Yes
Cash Flow / Budget Planning ****No Yes
Estate Planning Review ****No Yes
*This program includes in-person annual meetings.
**This program charges for any in-person meeting.
***Unless client has unsolicited trades or wants individual stocks.
****Planning can be added for an additional $2,500 per year.

Plan + Invest

The Lifetime Wealth Process™

As an investment fiduciary, we are compensated in the form of a small percentage on the assets we manage for you. We make changes to your investments to help put you in a better position to achieve your goals.

When your account values go up, our revenue increases. When your account values go down, our revenue decreases.

Our interests completely align with yours.

Our job is to deliver the highest level of personalized service to each individual client, which is why we limit the number of clients we work with.

Account Minimum: $500,000
Management Fee:
• 1.50% = First $500,000
• 0.75% = Next $500,000
• 0.50% = Over $1,000,000

We’re proud to offer a 0.25% discount to active and retired law enforcement, military, and firefighters.

If you’ve saved at least $500,000 and are retired or close to retiring, we should talk.

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The Digital Advisor Program

We understand the pain of high fees, which is why we’re offering this extremely low-cost option. We charge 0.5% for investment management fees – that’s only half the industry average.

Here’s the Best Part

We designed our Digital Advisor program so it won’t break your bank, which is why we don’t charge you management fees over $1.5MM. Only half a percent on all investments we manage and absolutely nothing on investments over $1.5MM.

It’s not too good to be true, it’s our policy.

If you’ve saved at least $200,000 towards retirement and are retired or close to retiring (within 5 years), we’d love to help you get started with this program.

Schedule a Consultation

Talk with Neal

Whether it's financial planning or investment management or both, we believe confidence should drive every money decision you encounter.